Below are examples of designed website content Websites were designed using Adobe Dreamweaver, Photoshop, Ilustrator and coded using html, CSS and JQuery. Designed and programmed a promotional website for a client in the Entertaiment Industry. The design features Lightbox pop up content windows and support for embeded MP4 videos. Click website
Infinity Professional Services Designed Infinity Pro logo. Conceptualized and designed promotional website
and components. Programmed html, CSS and java query picture components.
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Yankee Doodle Workshop The Yankee Doodle Workshop hired me to redesign their website.
I designed their new logo, programmed the website and created the animations seen on the home page.
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Cal State Los Angeles, Mesoamerican & Colonial Mexico Studies Website Designed promotional website for Cal State L.A. University to promote their annual Mesoamerica Studies Symposium.
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Renaissance Music Academy Conceptualized and designed promotional website and components. Programmed all interactivity in html using CSS style sheets and Adobe Flash.
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Big Al Promotional Website Conceptualized and designed promotional website and components. Animated and programmed interactivity in Adobe Flash. Designed laughbarrell logo and designed and conceptualized e-commerce website for the sale of novelty products online.
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